Tis the season for holiday parties. Yet trying to look fabulous in the middle of winter can be a challenge. This Online Shopper has often struggled with what to wear to a holiday party. Your skin is as fair as it will get, perhaps dry, you have likely put on a few pounds with the holidays, and not to mention it is cold out! It is important to find a balance of warmth and style with your garments and dress your body for what it is now (not what you think that it could be after a diet and a tan).
This little number, the Milly Wiggle Strapless Pailettes, available at Bloomingdales for $225 (marked down from $375), is a great party dress! For a work party, this Online Shopper would top off the dress with a fitted, black blazer, opaque black tights and black pumps. For something less professional, loose the blazer and opt for black stockings. As the sheen of the dress makes it a statement, less is more with the jewelry. Try some large studs, and leave it at that.
Happy Holidays!